Difference Between Primary Data and Secondary Data


Data is an important factor in statistics. It is important for us to understand different data. We can take action according to that. Here we are going to present some major differences between primary data and secondary data.

Difference Between Primary Data and Secondary Data

Primary DataSecondary Data
Primary data come mainly from direct field operationSecondary data are usually collected from already public documents
These data can be collected from direct investigationThese data can be collected from various surveys
When BBS collects data, it became primary dataWhen some other organization uses this information from BBS it becomes secondary data
Needs more fundsNeed comparatively fewer funds
Investing agency collects the dataSome other investigating agencies collect it for its own use
Requires a longer time for collectionRequires less time for collection
More reliable and suitable to the inquiry because the investigator himself collects itLess reliable and suitable as someone else has done that job for collections it means that data can be wrong or not collected professionally
Requires organizational setupNo need for an organizational setup
No extra precautions are requiredSecondary data need more care and attention
Example: Cost of living in a countryIf anyone collects that primary data from an organization like WHO, UNDP

That was some common differences between primary data and secondary data. It is an important question for statistics examination. So, our recommendation is that you should understand the main theme of this question and memories the points. Find more articles on statistics below.


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